Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Scrambled Eggs At Midnight

Scrambled Eggs at Midnight by Brad Barkley and Heather Helper was a basic Sarah Dessen type of book. Boy and girl meet, boy and girl fall in love, boy and girl live happily ever-after. Not to say that I didn't enjoy it because the voice of the characters rang true in every sentence. I don't know for sure, but I think Brad wrote the boy's view while Heather wrote the girl's, if so I think it worked out very well.
The basic story line was Cal (the girl) lives with her mom in a car and they are constantly traveling to match her mom's job. Cal wants to find a home. On the opposite side there's Eliot, the boy. He lives with his mom and dad at a "Fat Camp" his dad started. His family isn't the happiest either. As soon as Cal and Eliot meet they both want to get to know each other more. I rated it a 7 and for anyone 6th grade and up. If you want a sweet teenage love story Scrambled Eggs at Midnight is perfect.

1 comment:

  1. Both character backgrounds seem pretty unique..
    I might just go check this out. Thanks.
